Girl Group Members Lied About Their Weight

Members from various girl group were caught lying about their actual weight.

Body weight is one of the critical issue for women, without exception for the girl group members.

Recently in a tv program 'Gold Metal Duty' which was aired yesterday (10/02) members from different girl group were caught lying about their weight.
The girl group member participant of the show are such as Hello Venus' Nara, Park Bo Ram, EXID's Hani and Solji, Youngji, AOA's Jimin and FIESTAR's Cao Lu.

In the beginning they were asked to secretly write their weight then asked to do sexy dance on the stage. However the girls did not realized at first that the dance floor was a large weight scale to measure their true weight.

After their real weight was revealed here are the idol who lied about it. Nara wrote 49kg and her real weight was revealed to be 53kg. Park Bo Ram wrote hers as 48kg which was actually 50kg in reality.

Solji who admitted to be 49kg was apparently has 50kg as her weight. Jimin wroted down 45kg and it was scaled accurately as 45,9kg. Cao Lu who wrote 50kg as her weight was apparently having 49kg as her actual scale.

Youngji became the idol with the larger comparison. She wrote down 51kg but revealed to have 56kg instead. This was surely triggered the audience and MC to laugh abruptly.

Hani was the only one to tell the accurate weight of her. She wrote 50kg as her weight which resulted the same. (

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