AOA's Choa to Soon Hold Her Solo Debut

Surprising yet happy news for AOA fans, for Choa will soon have her solo debut!

The news was confirmed by representative from Korean music industry by today, in the date of November 11. They stated that Choa has now in the finalizing step for her solo album. She has also done the music video shooting currently. The song is scheduled to be released by the middle of the December after all the preparation completed.

One of the crew member in the music video shooting location said, "Choa's voice which she hasn't show as a girl group member, is really amazing. This is a sad ballad song which is suitable for the winter".

Choa is known as one of AOA member who has a great vocal. This is also acknowledged by the public since her performance in 'King of Masked Singer' previously.

So are you ready to listen to Choa's song? (

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